Our Story

Our Story

We’ll never forget the day our son Hunter came home from Kindergarten in tears. “Santa’s not real?” he asked. (A kid with an older brother had spilled the beans!) We could tell by the way he asked, he wasn’t ready to accept this as truth. Neither were we!


Later that night after Hunter went to bed we started talking: Wouldn’t it be great if he could believe in the magic of Santa for at least one more year? A few sketches later and the idea for The Santa Sleeve was born—a fun creative answer to how parents can prolong this sweet, innocent age of wonder just a little bit longer.


We put Santa Sleeve to the test a few weeks later on Christmas Eve.


The next morning, Hunter was just beside himself to see that the “spy camera” (re: Daddy’s phone!) he’d helped set up to catch Santa had actually worked. He could hardly contain his excitement and he watched the video of Santa grabbing the cookies. He must have watched it 100 times before he even opened a single present. 


This experience taught us one thing: No matter what’s in their stocking, seeing Santa with their very own eyes is the best Christmas gift of all.